Picking up the moments

Characters/relationships: Logan Howlett x mutant!Reader

Genres: Anger, angst, fluff

Summary: Reader is frustrated and Logan shows her the place where he always comes when he needs peace and quiet. – Requested by

Disclaimer: All characters are at least 21 y/o unless stated otherwise.

Word count: 1466

You felt
anxious. Charles was still drowning in despair, Hank was still locked up in his
lab doing something he doesn’t want to talk about and Logan showing up, talking
about how he came from the future didn’t help you to put your thoughts in

You exit
your room intending to go to the kitchen, walk straight to the hall and stop,
then turn around. You feel like you don’t want tea anymore but something
stronger instead.

“Where are
you going?” You hear a ruff voice already recognizing it as Logan’s. He’s here
only for a half of the day and you already feel like he’s been here forever but
at the same time you feel like so strange that someone besides you, Hank and
Charles are here. It seems that many decades have passed since students left
Xavier’s school even if it’s no more than few years.

“I changed
my mind, that’s all.” You say but you don’t move. You turn to look at Logan who’s
smoking a cigar. You have no idea where he got it and if you really believe
that he’s from the future then it raises even more questions.

Logan is
standing by the great staircase. Your guess is that he went to Charles to try convince
him once more to find Raven, stop Erik. You know both of them and memories of
them are clouded with grief. You came to know Erik and Charles when they were
recruiting mutants and you cherished both of them right before the events on
Cuba beach. Now you regret ever believing that Erik can change and join you,
join X-men for a greater cause.

Charles once called mutants that. Mutants that were under his care. You don’t
know where he got it but you liked it. But Charles always gets grim when you
speak of it. It must be another painful memory to him.

Logan is
watching you in silence and longer you stand there the stronger smell of cigar
is getting. You frown.

“I think
you should not smoke inside.” You say and Logan grins.

“There’s no
one here, Y/N. I can do what I want.”

“This is
still Charles’ home. Be more respectful.”

“I am. I am
not dragging him down from his room and making him do what I want. And who
could stop me?” Logan asks arrogantly when your eyes widen. “You? Hank? Charles
is no mutant at the moment. Kiddo, don’t fool yourself if you think that you
can order me around.” He chuckles and your face becomes expressionless.

You lower
your eyes and your fingers balls into fists. You know you’re trembling even if
you don’t feel it and you start breathing heavily.

“I know I
can’t order you around. I know I can’t help either Charles or Hank. I know I
can’t do anything.” You raise your eyes to Logan and his smile disappears when
he sees anger on your face. “But don’t call me kiddo!” The energy wave pushed
from your body makes even Logan step back, his cigar goes out and he almost
drops it from his lips when they part in surprise.

You try to
look angry, you try to look brave, but soon tears wells up in your eyes and you
lower them, now shaking so bad that it can be seen.

“I don’t
know what to do.” You whisper in despair and Logan spits his cigar on the floor
then walks to you.

“I know a
place. Come with me.” He says without arrogance or mocking tones in his voice.
You shake your head but Logan puts his hand on your shoulder. “Come. You’ll
see, it will be better.”

You slowly raise your eyes to Logan and tears rolls down your face.

better. Trust me on this one.” He smiles to you and you wipe your tears away.


“Come with
me.” Logan repeats but this time not as suggestion but as directions. He turns
around and walks to the front door, then opens it and exits. You still stand
after he disappears into the outside.

“Are you
coming, Y/N?” Logan shouts and you finally peel your feet from the floor and
rush after Logan.

When you walk
outside you’re not surprised to see Logan on a motorcycle but you do get
surprised when he pats the seat behind him.

“Hop on. It’s
a long way on foot.” He says and you at first gasp not knowing what to say,
then laugh and finally frown.

“We’ll get
killed on this thing.”

“Have you
never ridden a bike?” Logan asks and you shake your head. Logan smiles and pats
the seat again. “I’ll be gentle.”

“No way.”
You shake your head and cross arms on your chest.

Logan is serious again and your defenses drop. You already know that this man
doesn’t plea for anything. And yet he asked you nicely.

“Fine.” You
sigh feeling like you’re walking to your death.

You get
behind Logan and sit there awkwardly before he looks at you over his shoulder.

“Get your
hands around me.” He instructs and you scoff then try to smile, then even more
awkwardly wrap your arms around his waist. “Stronger.” He pulls your hands by
wrists making you hug him firmly and push your chest against his back. “Hold on
tight and don’t let go.” He says and then starts the motorcycle.

You close
your eyes as you start moving. At first Logan goes slow, but after he leaves
then mansion yard and gets on the paved road you feel you both getting faster
and faster. You feel wind in your hair but Logan’s back is shielding your face
from it. Slowly you open your eyes.

The scenery
is flashing by, the trees, the small hills, a house here and there, some kids,
then only the woods. It’s daytime so they don’t look ominous like they look in
the dark when you pass them in your car. Sun is shining on your face and when
it gets directly into your eyes you feel almost blind. Yet you start laughing.

For a
moment you forget all your troubles, all people you can’t help, everything that
happened in your life. Everything’s gone, only the wind, the smell of tobacco
on Logan and shiver of the motorcycle under you is left.

You don’t
know for how long you ride, but when Logan stops you don’t feel your legs or
your hands.

“You can
stop clinging to me now.” Logan mentions with a smile, glancing at you over his
shoulder and you slightly blush because you completely forgot.

You mutter as you unclasp your hands and rub your fingers. They are cold and
numb but you love the feeling.

As Logan
gets from the motorcycle he helps you to get off too and then turns to the
view, to something he wanted to show you.

You join
Logan by his side and your lips part in awe.

You are on
a cliff. You didn’t even know such thing was around here. And from the cliff
only the forest can be seen. The sea of trees as far as your eyes can see. You
know that the cliff is probably not high but you don’t want to look down. The
view of green is plenty.

“This is
beautiful.” You whisper and Logan smiles with melancholy on his face.

“I always
come here when I feel… distressed or sad. Though in my time this forest is much
smaller and not as green.”

“I love it.”
You say and Logan looks at you, still with a smile, but without memories
burdening him this moment.

“I’m glad
you do. I thought you might like it.”

“Thank you.”
You turn to him and smile. He watches your eyes sparkle and he feels easier at
heart. Xavier’s school became a house of past ghosts and sorrows. At least you
are now happy. And only this moment matters.

“Do you
know me in… the future?” You ask suddenly and Logan pauses surprised by the
question but then smiles again.

“I do.”

“Do I live?”

“You live

“That’s not
what I’m asking.” You lower your eyes but Logan steps to you and with rough
fingers raise your face to him by your chin.

“No, you
don’t. That’s why I’m here to change everything. Will you help me?” He asks
while looking into your eyes.

“Hold me.
Hold me and I will.” You plea. Suddenly you want him to be close, to be someone
you can count on.

pauses again then steps even closer and pulls you against his chest.

will be alright.” He whispers and you smile to him as you wrap your arms around

“I know it now.”
You smile.

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